Monday 16 April 2012

Nice way to test your email design

Tech Lead: Hey our emails are not rendering nice on GMail. The 'Confirm' button is not aligned properly. Worse in Outlook, I cannot click on that button :(
UI Designer: But I tested it on my box. It worked perfect.
Tech Lead: How did you test it?
UI Designer: What do you mean? Browser! I tested it on IE, Mozilla, even Safari and Chrome! Now what else am I supposed to do?
Sounds familiar conversation?
Forget the problems one can have with Web designs not working with so many browsers, OS environments and mobile devices! How many times have you been frustrated to see your email designs breaking in Outlook clients, GMail and other mail clients?  It happens many times that an awesome HTML design works cool when you see it on a Web Developer's desk since he is showing you that in a web browser. Mistake is in assuming that same thing will work when viewed from within an email client. 
For such problems, we use this cool service - EMailOnAcid
It has a free plan which supports some basic email clients like GMail and Outlook. For other exotic features you may want to spend some extra bucks.